Rabu, 03 Februari 2016

Consumer Behaviour ASUS Handphone


                  Approved by:
     Rita, SE., M.Si
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International Marketing
School Of Business Management

2.1 ASUS Company Profile 3
2.2 Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning ASUS Handphone 6
2.2.1 Segmenting 6
2.2.2 Targeting 7
2.2.3 Positioning 8
2.3 Consumer Behaviour 9
2.3.1 Consumer Behaviour of other handphone brand 10
2.3.2 Consumer Behavior ASUS HANDPHONE 13



Nowdays, ASUS has been one of the powerful companies that keep making innovation and trying to compete with other powerful and leading technology companies. ASUS is the company that come from Taiwan and it is known as the producer of Personal Computer and Laptop which are really popular in modern people. There were so many people use this brand for their Personal Computer and Laptop because of the good quality and also affordable price. In 2014, ASUS released handphone as their new product due to the high demand of Smartphone users.

In 2014, ASUS released handphone as their new product due to the high demand of Smartphone users. In Indonesia, there are so many people use this ASUS as their PC and Laptop brand and some people has started to use its Smartphone products too In 2014, ASUS released handphone as their new product due to the high demand of Smartphone users. In Indonesia, there are so many people use this ASUS as their PC and Laptop brand and some people has started to use its Smartphone products too. This things make ASUS although its a new  release in 2014, ASUS can be develop more again with made a good product with good qualities. ASUS Handphone market started at people who want to buy a cheap handphone but good qualities,  This  handphone too notice a satisfaction and comfortable for the buyers. This things can seen from the design of ASUS itself.The design is really comfortable and fit to hold for all the user of ASUS.

Stylish models, good qualities and the cheap price is a only reason for brand ASUS to be popular and famous at all the hanpdhone users. Brand ASUS is known by many people but the users of ASUS itself still can’t compete with others brand competitor. This things make we want to analyze about concept from consumer behavior for users ASUS.  The reason for analyzing consumer behavior for all the users ASUS handphone because we want to know and understand  a taste of consumen ASUS and what is ASUS need and how all users ASUS can know the product ASUS itself? So that in the end the result of this analyzing can make ASUS handphone still can compete with others brand.



2.1 ASUS Company Profile

ASUS started out as a small consultancy services firm in a Taipei apartment in 1989, helping motherboard manufacturers in the fledgling Taiwanese PC components industry. Today, it is a leading enterprise in the new digital era. ASUS is the world’s top 3 consumer notebook vendor and the maker of the world’s best-selling and most award winning motherboards. ASUS designs and manufactures products that perfectly meet the needs of today’s digital home, office and person, with a broad portfolio that includes motherboards, graphics cards, optical drives, displays, desktops, Eee Box and all-in-one PCs, notebooks, netbooks, tablet devices, servers, multimedia and wireless solutions, networking devices, and mobile phones.

Driven by innovation and committed to quality, ASUS won 3,886 awards in 2011, and is widely credited with revolutionizing the PC industry with the Eee PC™. With a global staff of more than 11,000 and a world-class R&D team of 3,100 engineers, the company’s revenue for 2011 was around US$11.9 billion. ASUS has a strong global presence, with offices in Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, the Americas, and South Africa.

The origin of the name “ASUS” is Pegasus, the winged horse in Greek mythology represents inspiration and knowledge. These facets are not lost in ASUS, which is named after it. The company embodies the strength, purity, and creative spirit of this mythical creature, and soars to new heights with each product it produces. Through the years, ASUS’ visionary approach has seen it become a major proponent in consumer technology, bringing quality innovation and design into consumers’ lives.
ASUS constantly strives to be an integrated 3C solution provider (Computer, Communications, Consumer electronics) that delivers innovations that simplify our customers’ lives and enable them to realize their full potential. ASUS products represent the best that technology has to offer, providing outstanding performance and aesthetics that seamlessly accommodate all lifestyles, anytime, anywhere.
As a major player in the IT industry, ASUS’ corporate mission is to provide innovative IT solutions that empower people and businesses to reach their full potential. ASUS’ philosophy behind product development—which is to accomplish the fundamentals well first before moving forward—has resulted in a dependable backbone of computer components such as motherboards, graphics cards, and optical storage devices. ASUS has now over 16 product lines, including its industry-redefining Eee and Transformer products, desktop barebone systems, servers, notebooks, handhelds, network devices, broadband communications, LCD monitors, TVs, wireless applications, and CPT (chassis, power supply and thermal) products.
ASUS plans to achieve its mission through Passion for Technology, Focus on Quality, Long-term Relationships, and Perseverance

Passion for Technology
Technology is the heart of ASUS. We continue to invest in our world-class Research and Development so that we are alwayable to provide leading-edge innovations to people and businesses.
Focus on Quality
Quality is of utmost importance to ASUS. We continue to refine our quality management processes to ensure customers receive the highest quality solutions cost-effectively.

Long-term Relationships
Whether they are our customers, the media, shareholders or consumers, we believe in growing with our partners at all levels. Maintaining strong relationships with key stakeholders is one of the most important factors of our continued success.
All ASUS employees share the same sense of purpose. We thrive under pressure and look forward to challenges. We work to accomplish the same mission—to empower people with innovative IT solutions.

2.2 Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning ASUS Handphone

2.2.1 Segmenting

Swastha & Handoko (1997 ) defines market segmentation as an activity to divide the market / market heterogeneous units into markets that are homogen.And then definition given by Pride and Ferrell (1995 ) says that the market segmentation is a process of dividing the market into in segments of potential customers with similar characteristics which indicate the similarity of behavior of buyers
Basically , market segmentation is the process of dividing the overall market a product or service into several segments . By segmenting the market , we can know the lifestyle and behavior of consumers
From the analysis we get there are two aspects in terms of segmentation that we can take that in terms of demographic and psychographic

-          Demographics :
Based on the analysis of the demographic aspects of the mobile phone user Asus ASUS more in use by teenagers to adults 18 to 40 years of data under 18 years of 4 respondents and 18-40 years by 64 respondents. This is caused by people who are 18 to 40 years to better understand the technology and the development of mobile phones. In addition they also follow the development of mobile phones it is. 

While in terms of the social class of the ASUS more than the medium it can be seen from the data that most of the expenditure of the ASUS is a 1.5-2 million by 34 respondents and 2.000.000-3.000.000 of 24 respondents from the data 1.500.000 up to 2,000,000 by 34 respondents, 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 by 24 respondents, 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 by 6 respondents and above 5,000,000 by 5 respondents. It is because ASUS product that is affordable so that mobile phone users ASUS is among medium.

-          Psychographics:
Based on the analysis in terms Psychographic about Asus ASUS mobile phones more in use by mobile users who want to have a mobile phone at affordable prices that can be seen from ASUS mobile phone users mostly from the middle class down . It can be concluded that the ASUS mobile phone users wanting an affordable price .

2.2.2 Targeting

Definition of targeting according to Keegan & Green (2008 ) is the process of evaluating segmentation and marketing strategies focusing on a country , or a group of people who possess the potential to provide a response . Meanwhile, according to Kotler & Armstrong ( 2008) is a group of buyers ( buyers) who have the same needs or characteristics that the company promotional purposes . By doing targeting the market , we can know the lifestyle and behavior of consumers . Based on the analysis of the Targeting Mobile phones Asus ASUS is the medium who want affordable products with good quality . This mobile phone has an affordable price and ASUS has been able to have a phone with specs almost the equivalent of a high-end mobile phone so that the phone ASUS has a good quality but at an affordable price .

2.2.3 Positioning

In accord with Kotler (1997: 262): “Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offer so that it occupies a distinct and value placed in the target customer mind”. Asus “In Search of Incredible“  campaign that launched in 2011, symbolizes ASUS Design Thinking – Start with People philosophy. It extends beyond product design and development, sales and marketing, and illustrates the ASUS commitment to making life better through innovation. That means ASUS positioning ourselves as a company wants to continue to innovate and develop technologies that ASUS is known as a product that promotes innovation in technology . Besides Mobile ASUS also positioning itself as a mobile product that is inexpensive but have a good quality . Based on the image in here explained that the ASUS put quality and good specification.

2.3 Consumer Behaviour           

Consumer behavior is an act that is shown by consumers in terms of finding , exchange , use , assess , regulate goods or services that they think will satisfy their needs . In another sense the behavior shown , namely how the consumer is willing to spend its limited resources such as money , time, effort to acquire or exchange the goods or services they want .

Analysis of the various factors that have an impact on consumer behavior becomes the basis for the development of marketing strategies . For that marketers are required to understand the consumer , such as what is needed , what his tastes , and how consumers make decisions . Results of analysis of the questionnaire we get two goals that determine consumer behavior of other mobile phone brands and consumer behavior knowing ASUS Mobile . Our correspondent who filled in a questionnaire of 304 respondents with 77 % of users of other mobile phone brands and 33 % ASUS mobile phone users

By knowing about other of consumer from other brand user perception, we may be able to know what is their motivation in buying mobile phone so we can decide on creating a strategy for mobile phone ASUS so that we can motivate customer and make customer motivation of using ASUS mobile phone product increase. While analyzing consumer behavior ASUS mobile phone users , can deduce how the habits of ASUS mobile phone users , determine whether there is the possibility of buying back the ASUS mobile phone or not . By knowing these things we can determine the strengths and weaknesses conclusions of ASUS mobile phones and can create strategies to increase mobile phone sales ASUS .

2.3.1 Consumer Behaviour of other handphone brand

From the analysis it was found that 77% users of other mobile phone brands that fill this questionnaire . 77 % of users of other mobile phone brands have stated that they are faithful to their mobile phone brand ( 57.6 % ) . That makes them loyal to their mobile products and have not tried other mobile phone brands such as ASUS so that if the user wants to buy a mobile phone , the mobile phone is likely to be bought the same brand.

In buying a mobile phone user into consideration in buying a mobile phone is its specification ( 83.9 % ) , the price is cheap and affordable ( 35.5 % ) and well-known brand ( 28.6 % ) . Correspondent stated that the latest mobile phones to get information they get from online 76.6 % , friends ( 56.1 % ) , 32.7 % TV ads , print media ( 28.1 % ) . Users of other mobile phone brands have heard about the brand ASUS Mobile by 95.7 % and 4.3% do not know .
Users of other mobile phone brand mobile phone brand ASUS know of a friend or the environment ( 74.3 % ) , online ( 49.7 % ) , print media ( 32.4 % ) and TV advertising ( 24.3 % ) . Which led to the other brands do not use mobile phones because Specifications ASUS lack of good ( 37.1 % ) , Never knowing about ASUS mobile phones before buying a cell phone now they use ( 26.3 % ) and high ( 9.1 % ).

          So we can say that Consumer behavior of other mobile phone brands are those loyal to the brand mobile phones and that they consider in buying a mobile phone is a good specification , the price is cheap and affordable and well-known brand . In the latest phone knowing they mostly get it from online . While they mostly know the brand ASUS mobile phones of friends or the environment . Although most aware of any mobile brand ASUS they mostly do not buy mobile phones because indulge their ASUS, ASUS has a specification that is less good .

2.3.2 Consumer Behavior ASUS HANDPHONE

Based on the results of the analysis of ASUS mobile phone users aged under 18 years by 4 respondents and 18-40 years by 64 respondents . While the ASUS 1.5000.000 spending levels up to 2,000,000 by 34 respondents , 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 by 24 respondents , 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 by 6 respondents and above 5,000,000 by 5 respondents.

Total ASUS respondents of 70 respondents and the reason users buy mobile phone ASUS ASUS is a good specification ( 92.9 % ) , cheap and affordable ( 61.4 % ) and trend ( 10 % ) . ASUS mobile phone users said they were satisfied with the ASUS mobile phones amounted to 78.6 % and 21.4 % were not satisfied so that future ASUS users who intend to buy back mobile ASUS amounted to 67.1 % and ASUS are not intend to buy back mobile ASUS 32.9 %
So ASUS mobile consumer behavior mostly aged 18-40 years , and the middle class down . The main reason respondents ASUS buy mobile phones because the specifications are good , cheap and affordable . Correspondent ASUS stated that they are satisfied with ASUS and ASUS intends to buy back mobile phone .



- Asus smartphone products with good quality at affordable prices. Nevertheless ASUS also pay attention to the comfort and satisfaction of users
- Mobile Users ASUS most of the age of 18-40 years with the medium
- Targeting Asus leads among medium who want a product that has a good specification at low prices.
- Positioning Asus is always innovating and developing in the field of technology Asus and low prices but has a good quality.
- Other brand mobile phone users prefer the quality of a good specification, reasonable price and brand known for in terms of their brand more trust and faithful to continue to consume these products. While the perception of other brand mobile phone users stated that ASUS does not have good mobile phone specifications and relatively expensive. That's because the new Asus smartphone engaged in so many people do not know much about the quality of the product.
- Users buy mobile phone Asus ASUS because the specifications are good at an affordable price. They stated that they were satisfied with the ASUS mobile phones and intends to come back to buy mobile phones ASUS.
- Many people who know the Asus products as much as 95.7%, but the use of these products as much as 33%. That's because posisitioning ASUS less so that the perception of other mobile phone brand users or prospective consumers stated that ASUS did not have a good specification and the price is expensive though ASUS has a good specification and an affordable price.

-                     In positioning, Asus should improve the consumer viewpoint. Many people believe that low prices of goods that have poor quality or cheap. Asus is necessary so that the positioning noticed. Because otherwise it can drop the level of consumer confidence and could damage the brand. By fixing the positioning of the prospective users of the ASUS can change their perception and will buy the product ASUS. ASUS old users who already have the appropriate positioning perception ASUS certainly be loyal to the brand ASUS.
                               It should be further enhanced in terms of promotion because of potential consumers only know the ASUS mobile phones but the message of the campaign was less delivered. According to the results of the analysis of other mobile phone users know ASUS brand mobile phones of friends or the environment while based on the results of their analysis to know most of the new product online. It means the promotion of ASUS lacking and should be further enhanced, especially in the online part because the correspondent know the latest promotions online.




Screenshoots result responses

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